We decided to cut the cord a while back and overall that has worked out fine. One of the things I found that I missed was having a phone at the house. Its also convienient to have a home phone number instead of using a mobile one. Using a VoIP service seemed like a good solution, but there were always some issues with it.
I read about the ObiHai ATAs and selected the OBI100. It was inexpensive, but the deciding factor was that the ObiHai devices all work with Google Voice. I think ObiHai has a VoIP service you can use, but the flexibility of having another Google Voice number was too much to pass up.
You can read about the setup here, and it was very simple. It took just a few minutes to get installed and configured.
I am really happy with it so far. It seems like a good solution for those of us that no longer use analog phones.